“We are so thankful we found your organization to help assist us with emergency phones for victims. Often our victims are in crisis and may have had their possessions taken from them by the suspect. Being able to give them a phone where they can call for help is such a relief. This will be an invaluable service we continue to use throughout the years. Thank you!”
“Thank you! Our client already feels safer.”
“I just wanted to let you know that I gave a woman a 911 cell phone on Friday, Dec 5th and she used the phone to call for help on Saturday Dec 6th! A person was then arrested for violating a protection order! This is the first time that I know of that a victim from our area used the 911 cell phone to call for help!!! THANK YOU!”
“Thank you so much for the shipment of phones. Just wanted to share that I provided one of the phones to a shelter client. It is a case involving elder abuse. The phone is used for going through the process to receive benefits, scheduling her doctor visits, and assisting her with getting into a nursing facility. Our agency truly appreciates it!”
“I wish you could see the look of relief on these victims faces when we say, “it’s okay if your phone’s been busted by the perp, we’re giving you one with minutes.”
“Every day this program changes the lives of victims in ways we couldn’t imagine. Each person has been more than grateful that a program like this exists, in a situation where they felt lost.”
“We have donated to the 911 Cellphone Bank for a year now. The customer relationship team is always available and pleasant to work with. This has streamlined my disposal process for electronics: Once a box is filled, they are mailed to the 911 Cellphone Bank with the free label. Returned release paperwork is always returned promptly. With so many items destroyed out of the property room it is pleasant to know that some things are used to help those in need in our communities.”
“911CPB offers P&E units a responsible alternative of disposal that repurposes dispositioned cell phones to vulnerable persons. Phones are forensically wiped before distribution, and if unfit for use, they are destroyed as e-waste, so it meets all of our obligations. It’s no cost to our agency, shipping is free, and it continues our service mission to the public. It’s a no-brainer!”
“A client who was residing with her abuser was able to work with her victim advocate to create a safety plan including hiding spots for a private phone. She used it exclusively for connecting with advocates and applying for jobs without her abuser knowing. Eventually, she was able to safely leave and relocate to a new town.”
“These cell phones allow victims to stay connected to their families, people in the criminal justice process, and their medical care. One specific client had her phone destroyed by the suspect in a domestic violence incident. Since she did not have access to the finances, she was unable to get an immediate replacement. With the minute phone provided by the 911 Cell Phone Bank, she was able to call for a protection order, keep in touch with both the detective and the district attorney, and her mother who was able to give her a safe place to stay. Without the phone, the client would have lost all connection in an experience where she needs a high level of support.”
“Thank you for your kindness! This phone will do her a world of good…she cried in appreciation!”
“Thank you for so generously contributing twenty-five charging cords to Massachusetts General Hospital. I know all of our front-line healthcare workers join me in deep gratitude for your thoughtful gift, as they so bravely continue to serve the varied needs of our hospital population with compassion and dedication to combat and contain the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Your partnership during these unprecedented times is a testament to the philanthropic spirit upon which the hospital was founded. Mass General is honored to have your confidence in our work.”
“One of the cell phones was provided to a homeless family. They are living out of their car and the car was ransacked. Several personal items were stolen along with their phone. To this family, having a pre-paid cell phone makes all the difference in the world. Now they can continue to access services, apply for job, and help their lives move forward.”
“A minute phone was provided to a victim of domestic violence who was physically assaulted by her boyfriend and had to be hospitalized for her injuries. The perpetrator had slowly begun to take control over everything the victim did, including breaking her own personal phone just so he could purchase her another one and put it on his calling plan so he could track her calls and turn it off as a form of punishment. When the crime happened, the perpetrator turned off her phone leaving her with no way to contact her family in another state. The minute phone helped the victim contact her family and she was able to flee Arizona for her safety. The client was very grateful for the donation of the minute phone and reported she did not know there was help out there like this or she would have left the abusive relationship a long time ago.”
“This is great, thank you! I’ll be notifying our personnel today, as well as posting on our Facebook page…. Again, thank you for reaching out. This appears to be a win-win – we can clean up our property room, and hopefully what we send you will help someone that desperately needs it!”
“The LVMPD Evidence Vault recognizes donations to the 911 Cell Phone Bank as a win-win situation. When phones are ready for disposal, they contact the Victim Services unit to pick up the boxes to send to the 911 Cell Phone Bank. They trust the process of ensuring that the phones are securely and properly disposed. They also know that this benefits the victim in our community through the relationship with the 911 Cell Phone Bank. Their knowing that phones are properly disposed and that they are then “turned into” resources for victims of crime are invaluable.”
“The 911 Cell Phone Bank received an email from Drew Hogan (Westminster CO PD) asking for several phones to be activated. There had been an apartment fire and several people lost their phones. Our program helped them get in touch with family, friends, employers, insurance companies, etc. Just another type of emergency situation that our program helps people get back on their feet from. PS: All residents and pets got out safely!”
“I just got off the phone with the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office in Florida. They were activating a phone for an 80-year-old man. His grandson had thumped him in the face, narrowly missing his eye and threatened to kill him if he called the police. He even ripped the phone out of the wall to prevent the possibility! This was his 18-year-old grandson who had lived with him since the boy was six years old. The gentleman was shaking so badly, he couldn’t even hold a pen to write a description of what had happened. The courts were filing an injunction against the grandson, but the older gentleman needed a phone to be informed of what was happening as well as for his own protection. That’s where our phone service came into help!”
“I just wanted to make contact with you to wish you and your team a happy new year! Thank you for allowing us to donate our unclaimed devices to a great cause, and for being a great partner for our company!”
“I am so happy to hear that the phones we donate are making a difference.”