Plastic Free July – How You Can Participate

Published On: July 13, 2021Categories: Blog

Plastic Free July is a global movement that millions participate in to help reduce plastic pollution. It’s no secret that plastic pollution hurts the environment. Plastic Free July encourages all to refuse single-use plastics; a fun and sustainable challenge!

We know obvious ways to reduce our plastic use is to avoid straws, use our own grocery bags, use a refillable water bottle, etc. A less obvious way of recycling plastic you may not have thought of, is to recycle your plastic electronic accessories! You’ve learned from our blog how to include e-waste recycling in your plans to go green, but we wanted to inform you that we will take all plastic electronic accessories off your hands as well! However, the electronics you send in (specifically cellphones) are about 20% plastic, so keep those coming!

Whether you’re one person or an entire lost and found department, you can count on us to properly dispose of your unused/lost electronic devices and accessories. And as always, it’s completely free to use our program!

To learn more about our organization and the Plastic Free July movement, visit and

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